Monthly Archives: March 2015

Busted Brackets, a Disney Princess, and Lehigh

March Madness has started, and the Ides of March have become the Odds of March. With over 9.2 quintillion bracket possibilities (9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to be exact), and more than 40 million people betting on 70-million-plus brackets, things are bound to get a little heated by the office water cooler. But if you prefer to stay out … Continue reading Busted Brackets, a Disney Princess, and Lehigh

What is Lehigh’s Value Proposition?

With Lehigh embracing its 150th year on Old South Mountain, the University is entering a stage of evolution geared towards cross-disciplinary education in the arts, sciences, business, and engineering. Perhaps, for some, this may sound like a hackneyed mantra all colleges are touting. For Lehigh’s Young Alumni Council, they had a firsthand opportunity to speak candidly … Continue reading What is Lehigh’s Value Proposition?